Kennedys Coin Kennedys Coin

Catching up on:

Bitcoin 1776

This page is for skill development

Level 1 - Beginner

Getting started in:


Tools Needed :
Raspberry Pi - $150
Accessories - $250

Training Path :

Mentors :


Tools Needed :
Stenographer Machine - $2,000

Mentors :


Tools Needed :
Zero to One, Peter Theil - $30
Antifragile, Nassim Taleb - $30
Four-Hour Workweek, Tim Farris - $30
Autobiography, Benjamin Franklin - $10
Way to Wealth, Benjamin Franklin - $10

Mentors :


Tools Needed :
Iphone - $1,000

Training Path :
Learn art


Tools Needed :
Various certificates

Level 2 - Advanced

Join up and seek out:

2 Professional Groups

1 Wellness Group

1 Artistic Group

4 Skillful Mentors

12 Devoted Followers

Learn and study:

Project Development

People Development

Brand Development

Level 3 - Enterprise

Last level of achievement, seeking:

12 Skillful Mentors

48 Devoted Followers

Delevelop and promote:

Advanced Research

Niche Specialization

Evaluate a grown business

Initialize a startup

Finance a startup

Syncing Up with Bitcoin 1776

Block Explorer

Install (same as Bitcoin Core) and connect to public nodes:

Click 'Help' -> Debug Window -> Console - Paste

addnode "" "add"
addnode "" "add"
addnode "" "add"

It will download until 530,501 blocks, at which point it may need a restart to be on the 6703 port (instead of 8333). From here you should be able to begin mining (after opening port 6703).

"Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future.
And we are all mortal."

- John Kennedy, 1963
