I pay you $500 if you win 1,000 JFK coins.
Win coins by getting lucky, doing good,
and encouraging others.
Each table of play lasts about 1 hour.
Bitcoin 1776 is a version of the Bitcoin Core software, forked July 4th, 2018.
Our coin max is 17.76 million, reducing inflation and energy used by 98%.
Block Explorer
Install (same as Bitcoin Core) and connect to public nodes:
Click 'Help' -> Debug Window -> Console - Paste
addnode "" "add"
addnode "" "add"
addnode "" "add"
It will download until 530,501 blocks, at which point it may need a restart to be on the 6703 port
(instead of 8333). From here you should be able to begin mining (after opening port 6703).
"Our most basic common link is that
we all inhabit this planet.
We all breathe the same air.
We all cherish our children's future.
And we are all mortal."